Preaching to the Choir

These are some sermons, but mostly lectionary discussions. It also has prayers for some Sundays.

Monday, June 02, 2008


To all the readers of this blog; I am moving and will be out of commission for awhile, especially this week. If you want to know more about the move go to the st john rev abi blog for details. In the meantime you might want to check out the Text this Week, which features lots of links to commentaries, articles, sermons, children's sermons, worship ideas, etc. I find it very helpful in my developing my sermon. But the best thing you can do is read the scripture, pray over it, let God speak to you through the scriptures.

Here are the scriptures for this week: June 8, 2008Ordinary Time/Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Green)
Genesis 12:1-9
Psalm 33:1-12 (UMH 767)
Romans 4:13-25
Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26

Which one will you be preaching? I'll be preaching from the Matthew passage.
The Genesis passage tells us of Abraham's call, his responding to that call, taking his wife and his nephew lot to move to the land God would show him. Right now I can say I feel like Abraham with this move. Abraham didn't know where this land was, yet he moved. He was not young and neither was his wife, but they went. He went in stages it says. Why did God choose Abraham? How was Abraham able to do what God asked him to do? What does this say about God? His people he chooses? Us? We certainly aren't as willing to get up and move as Abraham appears to be. How does God appear to us today? and how do we respond? How will you preach this passage?

The Romans passage tells us more about Abraham. It is Paul's take on why Abraham was able to do this to move to this unknown land. It is also one of Paul's arguments for salvation by faith and not the law. It is Paul's way of saying that this faith can be ours too, this salvation, eternal life. It was also his way of saying the Gentiles are included too in God's salvation story.
What does this passage say to us today? How would you preach this passage to your church members?

The Matthew passage is a collection of several healing events along with the call of Matthew to be a disciple. In verse 9 It says that Jesus said to Matthew come follow me and he got up and followed. But when the pharisees see the dinner party, they want to know why Jesus is eating with sinners and tax collectors. And Jesus answers "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners." This leads into the healing of daughter of the synagogue leader, and the healing on the way of the woman who touched his garment. When was the last time somebody said about us; she/he eats with sinners and tax collectors(you put the description in there)? Probably not in awhile or long time. What does this mean, are we then to go out and find a bunch of sinners and have a meal with them? Who are the sick today? Who are the sinners? the tax collector? Thos who have need of a physician? Have we learned what it means "I desire mercy, not sacrifice?" How do we live that out in our churches our own selves? How will you preach this to your members? Clearly, Jesus has come to bring gospel medicine (to use Barbara Brown Taylor’s phrase) to a sick world.

You are welcome to make your comments.
This is the only post for this week I'll make.


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