Prayer for Proper 9B/Ordinary 14B/Pentecost 6
We lift up our eyes and our hearts.
We pray to be filled with your tender mercies,
We come to you in faith,
Asking for your steadfast love
To touch our inner most parts,
Lord we pray for your church, your denominations
especially those who have met and are meeting.
We pray for your churches that are being martyred in
other countries,
especially those in Kenya.
We pray for those suffering from fires in Colorado,
the oppressive heat,
those enduring the loss of electricity and .
those who have experienced flooding.
We pray for healing for our sisters and brothers
and for our world that needs healing.
We pray for strength for those who are caring for elderly
and those who are sandwiched between parents and
We remember our members who are homebound whether
temporarily or long-term.
We remember those who are in nursing homes.
We pray for comfort and presence for those who are
Let us as your children reach out in love and care to
these in need.
Lord, we thank you for all you have done and are doing in
our lives, our churches and our world.
Help us to be ever mindful to hear and see you at work in
our world.
Lord help us to remember that your grace is always abundantly
available for us
no matter what
we are going through.
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