World Communion Sunday 2012
Lord as we
gather around this wonderful meal everywhere
And in every
place; bless us all your children.
As we eat
this bread and drink this cup linking arms around the world,
pour your
grace into us all.
Grace us
with your presence as we quietly and loudly pray to you.
May we see
in each other your light, your love and you.
May it not
matter our differences, our names, our languages,
our looks, and
our way of doing things.
May what
matter today and everyday be that we are one in you.
And as we
pray many we call to mind our brothers and sisters
who are
unable to be with us today whether in body or spirit.
May you
bring comfort to those who are grieving, lonely,
heartbroken, ill or broken of spirit.
May you
strengthen those whose lives feel shattered,
don’t make
sense, in crisis, and experiencing loss.
May you say
the healing word to those who need it.
May you
bring the human touch of love to those who have not been touched.
May you love
the unloved through us.
May you
shine your light into those whose world is covered in darkness.
May you use
us your children to feed the hungry, clothe the ones who need clothes,
give a cup
of water to those who are thirsty, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and
those in prison.
May lives be
awakened to you Lord, to your love, and to your kingdom whose door is always
open to all.
Labels: Sunday prayer
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