Preaching to the Choir

These are some sermons, but mostly lectionary discussions. It also has prayers for some Sundays.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prayer for Epiphany 3B

Almighty Compassionate God,
You care for all your peoples, whether they are here around us or in far off places, you care enough to call people to bring the good news to them.

You care about our country during these tough economic times, and times of transition to a new president and his cabinet.
You care about countries like Gaza, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan who have deeper problems and needs than we do.

You care about those who are sick, in pain, in the hospital, home bound and in nursing homes, your compassion extends to them.
You care about those who carry heavy burdens, broken hearts, grieving, lonely and anxious, your compassion extends to them as well.

You care for the great number of people losing their jobs, losing their homes, losing their bank accounts as well as those who have had none of those for a long time.

You care for those of us who answered your call to preach your word, teach your word, Pastor your flock, and lead in songs of praise, your compassion extends to us as well.

Lord we thank you for your compassion, your care, your mercy and the good news of your son Jesus Christ. Amen


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Prayer for the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany

Beloved God,
You know us inside and out and you still call us to serve you.
Lord, honestly we are often hesitant, afraid, and wish to remain hidden.
Empower us to listen for and to hear your call
Empower us to answer your call with “Here I am Lord”
Empower us to follow you when you call us to follow you.

Lord of mercy and justice,
So many have gone before us working to bring
Justice and peace to our country and our world.
Their footsteps seem to big to step into to continue the work you have called us all to;
so we hesitantly step one step at a time, bringing your seeds of hope, justice and peace in a world crying out for them.

Lord of hope,
We pray for our country, our leaders and especially our new president as he is inaugurated into leading our country in tumultuous times. We pray for healing of our country, reconciliation, forgiveness and peace.

Lord of peace,
We pray for your compassion and healing for those individuals in our congregation who need it. We pray for your comfort and presence for those who are grieving lonely and oppressed. We pray for warmth, shelter, clothing and food for those who are without.

Lord we say to you this day,
“Here we are your servants willing to preach your word, offer care where care is needed, presence where presence is needed, your and love where your love is needed.”
Lord, strengthen us for our ministry today and everyday.
In the name of the Father, son and the Holy spirit amen.

cross posted at rev abi's long and winding journey


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Prayer for the First Sunday after Epiphany, Year B

Creator God,
Your creation story is told again and again with each person’s baptism.
Your invitation to be part of the body of Christ is offered anew at each baptism.
Your claim on your children, that they are your beloved is told at each baptism.

Spark our memories of our baptism and your claim on our life.
Spark our desires to be part of the body of Christ.

Lord our world is angry, sad and confused with the battles in the Mid East, the Drug wars in Mexico, the economic woes, and the pain and suffering of your little ones all around the world.
We see the damage to your beautiful creation.
We see the destruction by natural disasters.
And we wonder how long?
We feel unsafe and insecure.

Lord in those times,
Spark us to remember our baptism.
Spark us to remember that it is in you that we are truly safe,
truly secure and that it doesn’t matter how long.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


Sunday, January 04, 2009

Ephiphany/Christmas 2 Sunday Prayer

God of Time and Space,
You are not bound by calendars, day timers, PDA’s and watches,
teach us to not be bound by them either.
God of the stars, the heavens, the planets and their orbits,
you sent a star to guide the magi on their journey to the Christ Child,
Send your star to guide us on journeys of faith.
God of Creation, your word spoke creation into being,
you sent your son as the light into a world of darkness,
God may your word still speak to us today,
May your son still be the light in our worlds of darkness.

God our dark world is a hotbed of fighting, pollution, starvation, and homelessness.
Teach to once again be stewards of your earth.
Bring forth you peace in the midst of the battles.
May there be plenty for those who are starving.
May there be homes for those without homes.
And just as the Magi brought gifts to the Christ Child
may we bring gifts to the Christ Child again. Amen

cross posted at my regular blog
