Preaching to the Choir

These are some sermons, but mostly lectionary discussions. It also has prayers for some Sundays.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

prayer for Proper 24B/Ordinary 29B/Pentecost 21

Creator God,

We praise you,

We love,

We thank you.

When we look at all you have created it catches our breath

And we find ourselves in awe of you.

We find ourselves wondering how can such a God care about each one of us?

And yet you do.

And because you care for all of your creation including each one of us, we can bring to you our needs, our cares, our hurts, our frustrations, our joys, our hopes, our dreams and our celebrations.

Caring God,

We bring before you those in our midst who are suffering, praying for your loving presence, knowing that you too know what it is like to suffer.

We pray for those who are grieving for your comfort as you know what is like to grieve.

We pray for those who are worried because they have no work, no food, no shelter, Relieve their fears as they find work, have shelter, and have food to eat.

Loving God,

You sent your son Jesus to be servant of all and to set free many people.

You also call us to be servants.

Lord, it is not easy to serve in a world that values power, being number one and winning at any cost.

You have set the model for us to live as servants through your son,

Encourage us, teach us, and inspire us to lives of service for you.

Set those free from the chains that bind them by the power of your love.





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