Preaching to the Choir

These are some sermons, but mostly lectionary discussions. It also has prayers for some Sundays.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

prayer for Proper 17C / Ordinary 22C / Pentecost +14

Gracious God,
You are a God of hospitality; there is none like you that invites all to come to you.
You have invited all to your home, to your table, and to your arms.
Lord, would that all would hear and receive this good news.
Lord, help us to remember that no one is better than anyone else in your Kingdom.
Help us to then treat each other the way you treat people.
Generous God,
Because you treat us with your tender love,
We take time to pray for our friends, family members and others who need you more than ever.
Pour out your healing on all who need it.
Be generous with your transforming love for those who needs it in their lives.
Bring forth your reconciliation in families, and in places where it is needed.
Gifting God,
You give us the gifts of the spirit to use to further your Kingdom
and to be the Body of Christ in the world.
We take time to remember the people devastated by Hurricane Katrina
and to thank you for the restoration that has already taken place.
Empower us to continue to be your hands and feet
to continue the work that needs to be done there and in so many other places.
There is none like you God in your love, your generosity, your gifting and your hospitality.
And we thank you that you are in our lives, working in us and through us to let people know your kingdom is open to all.
In the name of your son, who opened the doors for all and broke down barriers that kept people from you, amen.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Prayer for P 16C / O 21C / P +13

Listening God,
Hear our prayers as we come before you.
Hear the ones who are crying with pain in their heart.
Hear the ones who are weeping with grief long into the night.
Hear the ones who are sobbing in their loneliness.

Loving God,
Heal their pain.
Restore their lives
Mend their broken hearts.

Leading God,
Lead us through the dark valleys.
Lead us through troublesome times.
Lead us to our home with you.

Teach us to listen to your voice,
That we may hear the cry of the needy and respond.
Teach us to love that
We may offer care that brings others to you for healing.
Teach us to lead,
With your vision so that we not lead others blindly through life.

Through your son who taught us to pray:

cross posted at rev abi's long and winding road


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Prayer for P15C / O20C / P+12

O God,
Thank you for the rain here in the South where it has been so needed.
Thank you for the sunshine where it has been needed.
Thank you for the rain of grace in our lives where we have needed it.
Thank you for the sunshine of your Son where we have needed him.

O God,
We continue to pray for those in Russia where the fires and high temperatures have caused a higher number of deaths.
We cry for the lives lost in the flooding in China and Pakistan.
We pray for Mexico with escalated drug wars.
We pray for our own country’s continued recession with continued job losses.

O God,
We pray for faith to live our lives as faithful as the Israelites when they passed through the Red Sea.
We pray for faith to be as courageous as Rahab was.
We pray for faith to finish the race as all those who were before us did, who now stand cheering for us.
We pray for faith to keep our eyes on Jesus who started this race and leads us to the very end.



Sunday, August 08, 2010

Prayer for P 14C / O 19C / P 11

God of mercy and love,
we come to you with our prayers for ourselves, our families, our friends, our coworkers, our brothers and sisters in the world.
Lord hear our prayers
for our children who start school tomorrow or within a short period of time, may their minds be readied.
We pray for their teachers may their minds, hearts and hands be readied as well.

God of hope and peace,
We pray for those who are sick, in the hospital or facing some kind of physical problem. May their strength be renewed. May they receive the kind of healing in their lives they need. We pray for those who are heart sick may their hearts be refreshed. We pray for those who are grieving, may their tears be felt.

God of justice
We pray for the families and friends of the medical team who were killed in Afghanistan. We pray for those that they were bringing medical treatment to. And we pray for those who killed them. We continue to pray for the Gulf of Mexico and for its restoration. We pray for those who are struggling with job loss and job search. Open the doors or jobs for them Lord. We pray for those in Pakistan whose lives have been devastated by the floods. We pray for those in Russia trying to catch their breath in the midst of the smoke caused by major fires. We pray for all effected by this heat wave.
We pray for the healing of our world.

God of wisdom,
Teach us to learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow.
Teach us to have faith in you when we are fearful and unsure.

Oh Lord we thank you for hearing and answering all our prayers. In the name of the one who taught us to pray,
…….. Amen
