Preaching to the Choir

These are some sermons, but mostly lectionary discussions. It also has prayers for some Sundays.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ash Wednesday Thought for the Day

Greetings on this Ash Wednesday to the St. John family and friends,
Here is your thought for the day,


I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, Then there is no hurt, But only more love.
-Mother Teresa

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 1 Corinthians 13: 7

Prayer for the day, Lord, clearly I am not Mother Teresa, I am not even Mother Abi, by that I mean, I am not like her or any of the saints like her. I tend to get weary in giving, I have a tendancy to be judgemental toward those I am giving to, and I certainly hurt. I haven't gotten to the part where it doesn't hurt yet. I try Lord, I really try. Sometimes it doesn't hurt, but when it really hurts, I don't seem to break through to where it doesn't hurt and there is only love. I am human. But God you don't ask me or us to be Mother Teresa, you ask me to be me, and to be your servant by showing your love. May your love show through me even in my shortcomings. May I know your love even in the hurt so that others will know your love too.

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. If you can go to an Ash Wednesday service. Begin your time of reflection through the spiritual disciplines, if you are not already following them to draw closer to Jesus.

Here are some suggested links:

Ash Wednesday Online booklet

A thought for Ash Wednesday by my friend reverend mommy



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